Young Researcher Paper Award 2023

Notice of retraction
Vol. 34, No. 8(3), S&M3042

Notice of retraction
Vol. 32, No. 8(2), S&M2292

Print: ISSN 0914-4935
Online: ISSN 2435-0869
Sensors and Materials
is an international peer-reviewed open access journal to provide a forum for researchers working in multidisciplinary fields of sensing technology.
Sensors and Materials
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Vol. 30 No. 2
Special Issue on Retinal Prosthesis

Guest Editor: Jun Ohta (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), Hiroyuki Tashiro (Kyushu University), and Yasuo Terasawa (Nidek Co., Ltd.)


  • The metabolism of an organism is regulated at the cellular level, yet is strongly influenced by its environment. The precise metabolomic study of living organisms is currently hampered by measure ... Read More

  • A smart electrode that has a built-in CMOS microchip was fabricated for use as a retinal stimulator used in retinal prostheses. The CMOS microchip was embedded into the core of a bullet-shaped st ... Read More

  • Electronic retinal implants have been developed and are marketed as a therapeutic option for blind people suffering from degenerative retinal diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa. The functional ... Read More

  • A CMOS implantable chip with 256 active pixel sensors (APSs), on-chip photovoltaic cells, and iridium-oxide (IrOx) electrodes is proposed and designed for subretinal prostheses. In the proposed c ... Read More

  • The geometry dependence and three-dimensionalized effect of the electrochemical properties of iridium oxide electrodes used in retinal prosthesis are discussed herein. Planar electrodes with vari ... Read More

  • To realize a three-dimensionally (3D) stacked retinal prosthesis chip having a large stimulus electrode area and a large photodiode area, the fundamental properties of Al-doped ZnO transparent st ... Read More

  • We have been developing a retinal prosthesis based on suprachoroidal transretinal stimulation (STS). From a practical viewpoint, it is essential to confirm the safety and effectiveness of continu ... Read More

  • We developed a visual prosthesis based on suprachoroidal transretinal stimulation (STS) using electrodes width femtosecond-laser-induced porosity (FLiP electrodes). A current of 1.5 mA (1.25 time ... Read More

  • In this paper, we present a novel stimulation controller and monitoring system for evaluating the safety and efficacy of implantable neuroprosthetic devices in a preclinical setting. It features ... Read More

  • The development of a visual prosthesis requires long-term safety evaluation. Functional evaluation using evoked potential, such as visual evoked potential (VEP) and electrical evoked potential, i ... Read More

  • OFF-type bipolar cells (OFF-BCs) are interneurons connecting cone and retinal ganglion cells in the retina. In the mammalian retina, the cone signals are received by alpha-amino- 3-hydroxy-5-meth ... Read More

  • Retinal prostheses for blindness electrically stimulate retinas with photoreceptor cell degeneration to evoke a pseudolight sensation (phosphenes). Biphasic symmetric pulses with charge balancing ... Read More


30th Commemorative Article

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy for In Vivo Metabolomics, Digitally Twinned by Computational Systems Biology, Needs a Sensitivity Boost
Jan Gerrit Korvink, Vlad Badilita, Lorenzo Bordonali, Mazin Jouda, Dario Mager, and Neil MacKinnon
pp. 157-166
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Functional Validation of Intelligent Retinal Stimulator Using Microchip-embedded Smart Electrode
Toshihiko Noda, Makito Haruta, Kiyotaka Sasagawa, Takashi Tokuda, and Jun Ohta
pp. 167-177
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Functionality and Performance of the Subretinal Implant Chip Alpha AMS
Renate Daschner, Albrecht Rothermel, Ralf Rudorf, Sandra Rudorf, and Alfred Stett
pp. 179-192
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

A CMOS 256-pixel Photovoltaics-powered Implantable Chip with Active Pixel Sensors and Iridium-oxide Electrodes for Subretinal Prostheses
Chung-Yu Wu, Po-Han Kuo, Po-Kang Lin, Po-Chun Chen, Wei-Jie Sung, Jun Ohta, Takashi Tokuda, and Toshihiko Noda
pp. 193-211
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Electrochemical Evaluation of Geometrical Effect and Three-dimensionalized Effect of Iridium Oxide Electrodes Used for Retinal Stimulation
Toshihiko Noda, Yoshiko Noda, Po-Chun Chen, Makito Haruta, Kiyotaka Sasagawa, Takashi Tokuda, Chung-Yu Wu, and Jun Ohta
pp. 213-224
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Study of Al-doped ZnO Transparent Stimulus Electrode for Fully Implantable Retinal Prosthesis with Three-dimensionally Stacked Retinal Prosthesis Chip
Hisashi Kino, Takafumi Fukushima, and Tetsu Tanaka
pp. 225-234
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Safety and Efficacy of Semichronic Suprachoroidal Transretinal Stimulation with Femtosecond Laser-induced Porosity and Smooth-surface Electrodes
Yasuo Terasawa, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Yukari Nakano, and Jun Ohta
pp. 235-249
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

In Vitro and In Vivo Long-term Electrochemical Properties of Electrodes with Femtosecond-laser-induced Porosity for Visual Prostheses Based on Suprachoroidal Transretinal Stimulation
Hiroyuki Tashiro, Mariko Kuwabara, Yukari Nakano, Yasuo Terasawa, Koji Osawa, Yurina Yoshimura, Haruna Doi, and Jun Ohta
pp. 251-268
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

A Flexible Wireless System for Preclinical Evaluation of Retinal Prosthesis
Patrick C. Thien, Rodney E. Millard, Stephanie B. Epp, David A. X. Nayagam
pp. 269-286
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Comparative Study of Sevoflurane and Isoflurane Anesthesia for the Long-term Safety Evaluation of Visual Prosthesis with Rabbits
Mariko Kuwabara, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Yukari Nakano, Yasuo Terasawa, Hajime Sawai, and Jun Ohta
pp. 287-297
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Simulation Analysis of Temporal Coding by Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors of Retinal OFF-type Bipolar Cells
Akito Ishihara
pp. 299-313
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)


Research Paper of Special Issue

Effects of an Asymmetric Electrical Pulse on Retinal Excitement for Retinal Prostheses
Yukari Nakano, Yasuo Terasawa, Hiroyuki Kanda, Jun Ohta, Hajime Sawai, and Takashi Fujikado
pp. 315-326
Published on January 26, 2018
PDF (open access)

Cover of this Issue

Forthcoming Regular Issues

Forthcoming Special Issues

Applications of Novel Sensors and Related Technologies for Internet of Things
Guest editor, Teen-Hang Meen (National Formosa University), Wenbing Zhao (Cleveland State University), and Cheng-Fu Yang (National University of Kaohsiung)
Call for paper

Special Issue on Advanced Sensing Technologies for Green Energy
Guest editor, Yong Zhu (Griffith University)
Call for paper

Special Issue on Room-temperature-operation Solid-state Radiation Detectors
Guest editor, Toru Aoki (Shizuoka University)
Call for paper

Special Issue on International Conference on Biosensors, Bioelectronics, Biomedical Devices, BioMEMS/NEMS and Applications 2023 (Bio4Apps 2023)
Guest editor, Dzung Viet Dao (Griffith University) and Cong Thanh Nguyen (Griffith University)
Conference website
Call for paper

Special Issue on Advanced Sensing Technologies and Their Applications in Human/Animal Activity Recognition and Behavior Understanding
Guest editor, Kaori Fujinami (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Call for paper

Special Issue on Piezoelectric Thin Films and Piezoelectric MEMS
Guest editor, Isaku Kanno (Kobe University)
Call for paper

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