pp. 321-327
S&M1182 Research Paper of Special Issue https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM.2016.1268 Published: April 20, 2016 Impact of the Facial Attractiveness of a Social Reward on Event-Related Potential Activities and Task Performance [PDF] Yasuhiro Ogoshi, Sakiko Ogoshi, Tomohiro Takezawa, and Yoshinori Mitsuhashi (Received October 30, 2015; Accepted February 8, 2016) Keywords: electroencephalography, contingent negative variation potentials, social reward, task performance
Male participants were presented with pictures of female faces and asked to evaluate the degree of attractiveness of each image using a questionnaire. Then, the impact of the degree of attractiveness on subsequent event-related potentials was determined using electroencephalography conducted while participants completed a word recognition memory task with the facial images presented as rewards for correct responses. The most attractive faces elicited the largest contingent negative variation potentials and the greatest improvements in performance.
Corresponding author: Yasuhiro OgoshiCite this article Yasuhiro Ogoshi, Sakiko Ogoshi, Tomohiro Takezawa, and Yoshinori Mitsuhashi, Impact of the Facial Attractiveness of a Social Reward on Event-Related Potential Activities and Task Performance, Sens. Mater., Vol. 28, No. 4, 2016, p. 321-327. |