pp. 897-904
S&M1250 Research Paper of Special Issue https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM.2016.1357 Published: August 24, 2016 Photochromism and Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescences of AlN Ceramic Plate for UV Sensing [PDF] Go Okada, Takumi Kato, Daisuke Nakauchi, Kentaro Fukuda, and Takayuki Yanagida (Received January 7, 2016; Accepted April 13, 2016) Keywords: AlN, photochromism, TSL, OSL, UV sensing, imaging
We have characterized AlN ceramic plates (SHAPAL®, Tokuyama Corporation, Japan) for UVsensing applications. The SHAPAL® AlN ceramic plate is a commercially available product used asa heat sink, but it shows photochromic effects and thermally and optically stimulated luminescences(TSL and OSL) after it is exposed to UV light. Upon UV exposure, a broad optical absorption bandis induced in the UV–blue region (2.5–4.5 eV), and the color changes from gray to orange. A UVexposedAlN ceramic plate emits near UV light (~3.4 eV) upon thermal or optical stimulation. TheTSL signal showed maximum intensity when heated to around 200 °C, whereas the OSL couldbe stimulated by light exposure over a wide spectral range from ~2 to 3 eV. The sensitivity of thephotochromism, TSL, and OSL depended on the UV photon energy. Overall, these UV-inducedeffects were strongly pronounced for photon energies higher than 4.0 eV, but the photochromiceffect could be seen for lower energies, though the signal was considerably smaller. The AlNceramic plate could be used for UV sensing multiple times. The photochromic, TSL, and OSLsignals could be erased by heat treatment, and the OSL signal could also be erased by exposure tolow-energy light.
Corresponding author: Go Okada![]() Cite this article Go Okada, Takumi Kato, Daisuke Nakauchi, Kentaro Fukuda, and Takayuki Yanagida, Photochromism and Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescences of AlN Ceramic Plate for UV Sensing, Sens. Mater., Vol. 28, No. 8, 2016, p. 897-904. |