Young Researcher Paper Award 2023

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Vol. 32, No. 8(2), S&M2292

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Sensors and Materials, Volume 30, Number 2 (2018)
Copyright(C) MYU K.K.
pp. 251-268
S&M1489 Research Paper of Special Issue
Published: January 26, 2018

In Vitro and In Vivo Long-term Electrochemical Properties of Electrodes with Femtosecond-laser-induced Porosity for Visual Prostheses Based on Suprachoroidal Transretinal Stimulation [PDF]

Hiroyuki Tashiro, Mariko Kuwabara, Yukari Nakano, Yasuo Terasawa, Koji Osawa, Yurina Yoshimura, Haruna Doi, and Jun Ohta

(Received August 8, 2017; Accepted December 20, 2017)

Keywords: stimulation electrode, electrochemical impedance, charge injection capacity, retinal prosthesis, suprachoroidal transretinal stimulation

We developed a visual prosthesis based on suprachoroidal transretinal stimulation (STS) using electrodes width femtosecond-laser-induced porosity (FLiP electrodes). A current of 1.5 mA (1.25 times higher than that of a device under development) was applied using STS in six rabbits for 6 months to evaluate the long-term changes in the electrochemical properties of FLiP electrodes in vivo. The long-term stability of the FLiP electrodes was determined by in vitro and in vivo evaluation. The performance of the electrodes did not deteriorate as a result of the long-term application of electrical stimulation in vivo. As no difference was observed between the in vivo electrochemical performance of the electrodes to which the stimulation current was applied and not applied during the experiment, it is confirmed that the FLiP electrodes exhibit sufficient safety performance under long-term stimulation both in vivo and in clinical use. However, variations in the characteristics of the electrodes owing to the manufacturing method of the FLiP electrodes were observed. This variation should be reduced during the manufacturing process to avoid side effects owing to unexpected electrochemical behavior in clinical use. This result is useful in understanding the long-term safety testing results of STStype retinal prostheses with FLiP electrodes.

Corresponding author: Hiroyuki Tashiro

Cite this article
Hiroyuki Tashiro, Mariko Kuwabara, Yukari Nakano, Yasuo Terasawa, Koji Osawa, Yurina Yoshimura, Haruna Doi, and Jun Ohta, In Vitro and In Vivo Long-term Electrochemical Properties of Electrodes with Femtosecond-laser-induced Porosity for Visual Prostheses Based on Suprachoroidal Transretinal Stimulation, Sens. Mater., Vol. 30, No. 2, 2018, p. 251-268.

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