pp. 1457-1462
S&M1600 Research Paper of Special Issue https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM.2018.1908 Published: July 13, 2018 Development of Sleep Support System Using Electroencephalogram for Person with Developmental Disorders [PDF] Sakiko Ogoshi, Yasuhiro Ogoshi, Toru Saitou, Hitoshi Nishi, Yoshinori Mitsuhashi, and Akio Nakai (Received January 15, 2018; Accepted June 13, 2018) Keywords: developmental disorders, Sleep Support System, EEG
In recent years, the number of children requiring special support has increased significantly, and satisfying the support and educational needs of such individuals has become a critical concern. Many students have been diagnosed with one or more developmental disorders, such as Asperger syndrome, high functioning autism, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity disorder, and learning disabilities. Some special-needs children are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) hyperactive/impulsive and exhibit certain behaviors such as excessive fidgeting, talking out of turn, and running around. Other special-needs children are ADHD inattentive, who are often distracted and forget things at home or school. Such children also experience difficulties during organized activities. These difficulties can have a negative impact on a child’s learning and self-confidence. Addressing such difficulties as early as possible can have a positive impact on the children’s performance in school. In this study, we propose a collaborative system that can be utilized by teachers, parents, and supporters. Individual support equipment using Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors is necessary. Support observation of sleep state and support for sleep onset are also necessary. We therefore proposed and developed a sleep support system.
Corresponding author: Sakiko OgoshiCite this article Sakiko Ogoshi, Yasuhiro Ogoshi, Toru Saitou, Hitoshi Nishi, Yoshinori Mitsuhashi, and Akio Nakai, Development of Sleep Support System Using Electroencephalogram for Person with Developmental Disorders, Sens. Mater., Vol. 30, No. 7, 2018, p. 1457-1462. |