pp. 595-602
S&M2831 Research Paper of Special Issue https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM3684 Published: February 21, 2022 Growth, Optical, and Scintillation Properties of (Gd0.4Lu0.6)8Sr2(SiO4)6O2 Crystals [PDF] Takayuki Yanagida, Takumi Kato, Daisuke Nakauchi, and Noriaki Kawaguchi (Received October 9, 2021; Accepted October 27, 2021) Keywords: scintillator, crystal, apatite, ionizing radiation, scintillation detector
Non-doped and 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% Ce-doped (Gd0.4Lu0.6)8Sr2(SiO4)6O2 crystals were prepared and their optical and scintillation properties were investigated. Their X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns confirmed that the Ce-doped samples did not contain an impurity phase, whereas the non-doped one contained some impurity phases such as Gd2SiO5 and Lu2SiO5. The emission due to 5d–4f transitions of Ce3+ was observed at 380–650 nm in both the photoluminescence (PL) and scintillation spectra of the Ce-doped samples. The scintillation light yields (LYs) of the 0.5 and 1.0% Ce-doped samples under 241Am α-ray irradiation were ~230 and ~620 ph/5.5 MeV-α, respectively.
Corresponding author: Takayuki YanagidaThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Cite this article Takayuki Yanagida, Takumi Kato, Daisuke Nakauchi, and Noriaki Kawaguchi, Growth, Optical, and Scintillation Properties of (Gd0.4Lu0.6)8Sr2(SiO4)6O2 Crystals, Sens. Mater., Vol. 34, No. 2, 2022, p. 595-602. |