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Vol. 32, No. 8(2), S&M2292

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Sensors and Materials, Volume 30, Number 12(1) (2018)
Copyright(C) MYU K.K.
pp. 2833-2842
S&M1721 Research Paper
Published: December 10, 2018

Study on Nanofiber Spinning Using Centrifugal Force - Rotational Speed of Spinning Disk vs Nanofiber/Microfiber Diameter when Disk Speed is Increased via Gears - [PDF]

Hiroyuki Noguchi, Che-wei Kang, and Masao Murakawa

(Received June 27, 2018; Accepted August 20, 2018)

Keywords: nanofiber/microfiber, solvent, centrifugal force, spinning disk, gears

In recent years, the electrospinning method has been studied a lot. However, there is a disadvantage, with respect to the amount of solvent being used for producing nanofibers; most of the solvent will be evaporated into the atmosphere leading to very earth unfriendly situation. In this study, we attempt to spin nanofibers/microfibers without using solvents in question; alternatively, physical centrifugal force is used. For that purpose, a new experimental device has been designed and fabricated. As the spinning material, we chose polypropylene (PP), which was heated by the spinning disc via an IH heater, and sprayed out from a microsize nozzle onto the spinning disk rotated by centrifugal force. PP fibers are formed when molten PP is released from the nozzle while being simultaneously cooled by air. Fabricated PP fibers are observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The maximum relative centrifugal force of rotating disk was 67,000G in the previous report in which a belt driving system was employed. (1) In the present report, rotating disk speed is increased by a gear driving system, in which the centrifugal force of the rotating disk could be increased up 100,000 G, for the centrifugal melt spinning equipment. Eventually, we could lead to a good prospective view of the present nanofiber/microfiber application (advantageously that of nanofiber) in the field of thin filter for collecting PM2.5 generated in the exhaust gasoline-fuelled automobiles because of its superior resistnce to various chemicals.

Corresponding author: Hiroyuki Noguchi

Cite this article
Hiroyuki Noguchi, Che-wei Kang, and Masao Murakawa, Study on Nanofiber Spinning Using Centrifugal Force - Rotational Speed of Spinning Disk vs Nanofiber/Microfiber Diameter when Disk Speed is Increased via Gears -, Sens. Mater., Vol. 30, No. 12, 2018, p. 2833-2842.

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